Saturday, October 10, 2009

eBay Blog Post: August 9, 2006

Drained ....... just drained

I am so warn out! What a long day.
The heat sure gets to ya!
I can not count all the times i jumped in my pool today trying to cool down!

Thanks to all for the prayers and support. I greatly appreciate it !

I will try not to have a pity party tomorrow and start a fresh ...... My hubby had some tests done today at the hospital and they called for me to come pick him up .......

NO problem, I went and walked through the place then as i walked more and more ..
I started to remember that my dad had surgery there ........ OMG I had to go to the same waiting room and I lost it .... could not get to a bathroom quick enough before I fell apart ............ geeesh ..

Then I caught my breath, and went to the desk, they said I was in the WRONG area .. sent me to ANOTHER area following a nurse to show me the way ......... SUDDENLY , there were the same cubicles my dad had chemo treatment in ... The very same one where I held his hand during his visit and OMG i lost it .......... I could hardly talk and breath ...........

My poor husband was on the bed drinking juice, he took one look at my face and HE THOUGHT HE WAS Dieing!!! He thought I had gotten bad news! I felt like a fool as i tried to talk and the nurses were like WHAT IS WRONG with you,,, lol ......

I pointed to the cubical and said my dad had chemo there and it just FREAKED me out to be here .............

My poor hubby I did not even care about, I just wanted to get the HELPINS out of that place ....... Was almost like a panic attack .........

Strange how I had that dream this AM too (see heart belongs to daddy post)
........... BUT..
Got my act together as I LOVE to fall into my eBay work .........

EBAY IS MY ESCAPE ...... I love the challenge to see what I can create today since I am more on a mission now to HELP others than to GARAGE Sale and find JUNK ...
i guess with the kids leaving the nest too ........ I'M A WRECK in real life,, lol

OFF TO BED, with a prayer that I will be more STABLE tomorrow ....... And eBay Land will be ready to GREET me with Open arms and Let me list all these clothes I have had photos ready for about a Month now ........

Pulling up my BIG GIRL PANTIES with a SMILE knowing the SUN WILL SHINE TOMORROW and eBay land will be READY FOR ME!!!!!!!!


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