Saturday, October 10, 2009

eBay Blog Post: July 28, 2006

Hows Sales?

How are sales going for everyone?
I am working on a new ebook and I must say I am having a blast helping people!
Today I helped someone add a WATCH code to her auction.
It took many emails back and forth but it was well worth it.

I have resell rights on all my ebooks because I feel everyone should sell them and help more people too!
Like a chain reaction thing since, many of the ebooks out there are just that
EBOOKS, but with mine
I keep helping those that need it.

I am sure someday I may get to busy but for now I LOVE it!

It's very rewarding to help others, don't you agree?

........................ comments left

Not bad, apparently people in Italy are still buying. I just sold a purse on my other ID for $115 bin and have lots of bids on the jewelry. Art sales on the other hand....not too good lol hence why it's 99% prints right now. No sense in painting for no profit!


I didn't have a bad month. The end of the month is always bad.


Intersting idea. How much are your books. Sales are kinda lousy right now, but I had a really good week last week, so I guess I can't complain. Yes, I love helping others. It really boosts my morale. Good luck with your book.


my sells r slow


Mine have been okat this week. I have not been listing much at all. I have just been pulling stufff from the store and throwing it to auction. Not much work so that is nice.... the hard work when I listed that stuff is so nice to just go in and swipe it out for auction when I want. Once the kids are back in school I will start listing heavliyl again. For now it's just pulling from the store ( how many times can I say that lol) and putting up a few things here and there.


I agree it is great to help others!! My sales have been really great this month! I thought this was one of the slow months, but God Bless Me! It's great! Danna, I also want to start selling ebooks, but right now, I am having a hard time with getting it together.


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